Predicting the future “We are good at cross sector collaboration in Western Sweden, one of our major competitive advantages”, says Carl-Peter Mattsson, Sahlgre...
The key is to see the connections What is affecting the well-being of a person, a team and an organisation? GOOZO helps organisations get answers and suggests action, soon also with the help of AI.
Healthtech impact at top 100-list of future unicorns Almost every fifth company on Norrsken Foundation’s new list of 100 Nordic startups with an impact that makes the world better is part of...
Bottom line – it’s all about people You can call it digital health, e-health, healthtech. Whatever you want. It’s still all about people–particularly the women and children ...
What do you get if you cross an automotive engineer with an intensive care nurse? The digitalisation of healthcare has created a whole new profession. Health care professionals who are also engineers. This gives the Wes...
New ideas for reducing the number of missed appointments Patients who miss booked appointments deprive the healthcare system of valuable resources and healthcare waiting lists get longer. Now, t...