Unique chance to learn about healthcare procurement Innovation in life science must more than ever be based on healthcare needs and demands. Then, great opportunities can be created for the...
Healthtech crucial for sustainable health care Healthtech and sustainability belong together. This is the basic idea for the project “The World’s Most Sustainable Healthcare 2030,” in ...
New innovation centre changes the cityscape The development plans for Sahlgrenska Life will completely change the cityscape around the Sahlgrenska University Hospital and Sahlgrensk...
Up and coming companies top the healthtech market Two markets stood out when the students at the School of Economics, Business and Law in Gothenburg analysed four customer segments for st...
PledPharma’s Japanese patient worth millions PledPharma’s first patient in Japan is worth SEK 49 million. And through its establishment at Sahlgrenska Science Park, the company wants...
Everdrone wants to save lives with drones Drones take the fastest route carrying new blood to patients in need. Sahlgrenska Science Park company, Everdrone, shows how healthtech i...