ReGo joins our accelerator programme ReGo, a new company within Sahlgrenska Science Park's accelerator programme, is redefining how the medical device industry interacts...
Accelerating health innovation with passion for collaboration “Park Annual is a great way to gather people who share our ambition to accelerate health innovation and unlock new solutions to global he...
Awarding promising entrepreneurs Innovation and knowledge in conjunction with good entrepreneurship is tributed when Sahlgrenska Science Park is awarding a prize in Nobel...
Nordic Health Innovation: From realisation to business Is there a particular Nordic way of innovating in Life Science? Do our flatter hierarchy models matter, in academia and in business, in t...
The Winner of the Henry Wallman Prize in medical technology 2021 The Foundation for Bio-Medical Engineering at Chalmers has awarded the 2021 Innovation Prize in the spirit of Henry Wallman to Associate Professor Andreas Fhager, Chalmers.
Think of an entrepreneur that deserves to be celebrated Nominate your candidate for the 5th Arvid Carlsson Award by Sahlgrenska Science Park. The winner will be recognized at the virtual life science event Park Annual on 7 October 2021.