She is one of Sweden's most innovative entrepreneurs
Jenny Johansson, co-founder of Eyescanner, is one of Sweden’s 10 most innovative entrepreneurs, receiving the ÅForsk Entrepreneurial Scholarship 2021.
Publish date:2021-04-01
A well-deserved nomination for a passionate entrepreneur!
Eyescanner is an AI-based software that detects the influence of drugs through image analysis of the eye area. The company, founded in 2019 by Jenny Johansson and Stefanie Najafi, is part of Sahlgrenska Science Park's accelerator programme.
"It feels fantastic to receive this prestigious scholarship. The recognition shows that our innovation is coming at the right time, and it will help us with continued research and development of the product", says Jenny Johansson.
ÅForsk's Entrepreneurial Scholarship is awarded in collaboration with Swedish Incubators & Science Parks. Sweden's 10 most innovative entrepreneurs will be presented on 21 April 2021 during the Swedish Innovation Day 2021 and will be awarded SEK 200,000 each.
Eyescanner is an AI-based software that detects the influence of drugs through image analysis of the eye area. This is done by filming a sequence on a person’s eye. Eyescanner is both faster, easier and less intrusive than other traditional methods such as saliva or urine tests.