His main interest is to design solutions to needs in complex environments with a human-centered perspective, primarily as an implementer and facilitator, but also as an active coordinator and researcher. What could be more appropriate in his new role as a Site Director for Sahlgrenska Science Park? Meet Karl Maack, focusing on projects, talent attraction and building a strong site community.
Publish date:2023-03-28–Text:
Lizelotte Edvinsson
You have 15 years of experience from working with academia, industry and society to support innovation processes, change work and lifelong learning. What attracted you to the role as Site Director?
This opportunity was a great way for me to continue contribute towards strengthening the innovation and utilization capabilities as well as cross organizational and sectoral collaboration in the life science area. I found it especially interesting to take active part in cross collaborations from a formal multi-organizational perspective. Through Sahlgrenska Science Park I am not only a University employee or a clinician at the hospital, but a representative from all our owner organizations.
What makes the environment around Sahlgrenska Science Park unique?
We have an abundance of life science knowledge here with companies, one of northern Europe’s largest university hospitals, as well as the broad health science faculty of Gothenburg university. In addition, proximity and close collaboration with other university faculties, Chalmers and large industry actors. I’d say it’s a fantastic environment for new innovations to be developed, tested and implemented for our patients and society.
In fact, more than 20 000 people are working or studying here on a daily basis! Together with the expanding health innovation community at GoCo, this sector is engaging more people than ever.
What’s your main focus right now?
This is my first year with Sahlgrenska Science Park, and my focus now is to secure that our site development is well founded in the needs of the actors on site, as well as in relation to attract parties that are identified as important for future growth.
It’s about collaborating close with university and hospital actors, as well as the innovation system and industry actors. And, not to forget, collaborate with the real estate owners aiming to support development projects with perspectives needed for a successful growth in life science.