GREAT and Vitalis team up on a new award, celebrating health tech innovations that make a difference for people’s lives.
Publish date:2021-03-10
The prize is awarded to an innovative company based in Sweden providing a healthtech solution or product that has a proven positive impact on healthcare, prevention, prediction, health and/or quality of life.
The award is open for applications from today until 30 April and the winner will be announced at the opening of Vitalis, the largest e-health event in Scandinavia, on 18 May 2021.
The prize consists of:
Tailored innovation session with IT and business consulting company CGI, focusing on how to improve speed and value from the innovation process Value 50 000 SEK
A strategy workshop with Tech Consulting CompanyHiQ, tailored to the winning company’s digital needs. Value 50 000 SEK
Expert legal advice with law firm MAQS
Present at one of GREAT’s events during 2021/2022
All approved applicants are offered to give a pre-recorded pitch (max 3 minutes) presented in Vitalis’ digital conference program.
More info and how to apply for The Healthtech Award here
“The award shines a light on healthtech innovations that can make a real difference in people’s lives. It’s a way to encourage entrepreneurial spirit and showcase ideas transforming healthcare and social welfare.” Maria Sterner, Manager Vitalis“We believe that digitalisation is an enabler for enhanced prediction and treatment of diseases. This award is in line with our ambition to collaborate and bridge the gap between technology solutions and needs within healthcare.” Jerker Lindsten, Chairman, GREAT The winner is selected by the jury, consisting of:
Charlotta Gummeson, CEO, Sahlgrenska Science Park
Erik Wilhelm Graef Behm, Vice chairman, GREAT
Frode Langmoen, Technology Executive Nordic Business Development and ISVs
IBM Global Business Partners
Helena Theander, Node Manager, AI Sweden
Jon Nilsson, Vice President Life Sciences, Government & Health, CGI
Lars Lindsköld, Regional Development Officer, Region Västra Götaland
Maria Sterner, Manager Vitalis
Margareta Wallenten, Director, Healthtech Nordic
What the jury is looking for: Innovation, Involvement of users/patients in development, prediction, sustainability, care outcomes, social impact, scalability and market potential. More details are to be found here.For more information, please contact: Maria Sterner, affärsområdeschef, Vitalis, tel +46 31 708 82 35 Tore Johnsson, styrelseledamot, GREAT, tel +46 70 602 20 90
The award is a co-operation between GREAT and Vitalis.
GREAT is a networking organisation focused on developing the IT-infrastructure in West Sweden. Our mission is to work for the development of the digital society, innovation and quality of life for individuals, companies and organisations. GREAT, founded in 2004, gathers companies, municipalities, universities and telecom operators with interest in the digital infrastructure, to make sure the region around Gothenburg is connected, through a world-class infrastructure to the digital world.
About Vitalis
Vitalis is the largest ehealth event in Scandinavia, a conferences and exhibition focused on transforming healthcare and social welfare. It’s a meeting point for everyone working with business development and ehealth issues within healthcare and welfare. Visitors are from municipalities and county councils as well as from authorities and the private sector.