Sahlgrenska University Hospital is now launching an internet treatment for insomnia, which has been developed via the digital psychiatry unit (ePsykiatrin) in Gothenburg. It is the first internet-based treatment to be widely introduced in the hospital and it is an example of how healthtech can contribute to care becoming both more accessible and more cost-effective. And, in this case, also a tool to counter mental illness.
Publish date:2019-01-22–Text:
Annika Åkervall
This unique internet treatment for insomnia is aimed at psychiatric patients who, due to their illness, may find it more difficult to receive treatment. If they get help to sleep better, this can also have a positive effect on other disorders, such as depression or anxiety.
“The great advantage of healthcare via the internet is that the patient can receive treatment whenever and wherever he/she wants. Since it will be the hospital’s first internet-based treatment, we are very curious about how it will go,” says Josefin Kadesjö, a certified psychologist and digital psychiatry project manager in an article on the Sahlgrenska University Hospital website.
Working from idea to development, implementation and evaluation provides a unique opportunity, both for the hospital units and for innovators within healthtech.
Healthtech is a special focus area for Sahlgrenska Science Park, which has chosen to focus its business advice services on companies working in this area. The interest in healthtech is increasing.
Empaticus and Mindfam are two examples of companies within Sahlgrenska Science Park who are working to counteract mental illness through healthtech.