"Innovation starts with hope of a better future"
Arman Enekvint, resident doctor in ophthalmology at Sahlgrenska University Hospital, is participating in Sahlgrenska’s Innovation & Healthtech programme and is the first medical doctor to be a member of jury for the annual Health Tech Award.
What does healthtech innovation mean to you?
Well, the first word that comes into my mind is hope. Innovation starts with hope of a better future. Innovation in healthtech is just one part of it. Innovation is the thing that drives us forward as a society and as mankind.
How do you approach healthtech innovation in your role as a doctor?
I’m constantly thinking about finding ways to make our daily lives easier or more pleasant. I'm especially interested in glaucoma, which is the most common reason for irreversible blindness. When I see glaucoma patients, I think about how we can find ways to diagnose the disease earlier; how we can make the examination process smoother; how we can shorten our long waiting queues through innovations that, for example, enable patients to manage their disease at home, so we can optimise the treatment and follow-up for every patient.
Why is the Healthtech Award important?
Besides shining a light on the fact there are smart people working with healthtech innovation and spreading hope that we can do better, this award is an opportunity for entrepreneurs to boost their innovation to the next level.
Why should companies apply and what advice can you give them to help them win?
Simply because there is always a need to get help from others. This award gives startups the opportunity to get professional help and evaluation of their idea – that is hard to value in money. It’s not about winning the prize, it’s about learning from the process and making the most of an opportunity to learn how to articulate, apply and present the value of your innovation.
Awards like this help to boost momentum and awareness of innovation in society. I’m sure it's also going to be a fun experience.
More info and how to apply to Healthtech Award
Read more about the Innovation & Technology Programme