Today marks the exciting launch of the Sahlgrenska Global Health Hackathon (SGHH) at Park Annual in Gothenburg, kicking off a year-long, global collaboration (co-action) focused on addressing critical global health challenges.
Publish date:2024-10-24
SGHH unites individuals from across three continents, six countries, and nine healthcare innovation hotspots-bringing together students, researchers, professionals, innovators and passionate individuals from all industries who share a common goal: tackling some of the world's most challenging healthcare issues.
With the theme "Co-action Addressing Global Health Challenges," the hackathon centres around five key areas:
Health equality and access to care (including gender and ethnicity health gaps)
Cancer control
Healthy aging and chronic disease management
Infection prevention and control
Smart, safe, and sustainable healthcare
Participants in Sweden, Spain, the UK, the USA, Germany and Singapore are encouraged to leverage personalized medicine, AI and data-driven solutions to catalyse innovative ideas addressing the five hackathon challenges. Each selected hackathon location is a recognized hub for healthcare innovation, amplifying the event's potential for global impact.
Cecilia Edebo, CEO, Sahlgrenska Science Park: "The Sahlgrenska Global Health Hackathon is a step forward in addressing the global health challenges we face today. This hackathon aims to bring together a diverse community of innovators, researchers and entrepreneurs from across three continents. It's about harnessing the power of co-action to develop real-world solutions for healthcare systems under pressure. This event is also an opportunity to spotlight Gothenburg, Sweden, as a leading hub for global health innovation, working collaboratively to create lasting impact."
Boubou Hallberg, CEO, Sahlgrenska University Hospital: ”We are leading a major transformation in healthcare and there are a lot of challenges that need to be solved. Being part of this initiative that promotes innovation, where people around the world will work on our common global challenges, is important for us. I am looking forward to all the exciting results that we will get from the Sahlgrenska Global Health Hackathon.”
Patrik Andersson, CEO, Business Region Göteborg: “The life science sector plays a key role, in Gothenburg and worldwide, for society's ability to give future generations a better life. But we must increase the pace of innovation, unite talents and professionals in technology, healthcare and life science to innovate together. The Sahlgrenska Global Health Hackathon is a brilliant example of how academia, industry and the public sector can attack big problems and trigger innovation together. I am thrilled for the engagement we have received from global companies, and locations around the world, in this Gothenburg initiative.”
The Sahlgrenska Global Health Hackathon will host a series of global events over the next year, culminating in a grand finale at the NLSDays conference in Gothenburg in October 2025.