Gothenburg researcher receive the Environmental Medicine Prize
Madeleine Rådinger
Malin Arnesson

Madeleine Rådinger, Associate Professor at the Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, is honored to receive the Cancer and Allergy Fund’s Environmental Medicine Prize 2019, for her research in the asthma area. Sustainable health is important.

Publish date: 2019-04-23

In the justification for the prize, of SEK 250,000, the Cancer and Allergy Fund highlights that allergic asthma is one of our major diseases.

– It is common to divide asthma into two different main groups, allergic and non-allergic asthma, although there are actually more types, says Madeleine Rådinger in a press release from Cancerfonden.

Her focus is on the allergic asthma and the mechanisms around it.

About one in ten people in Sweden have asthma and for some the disease is very difficult.