Project: Siish
The "Siish" project aims to accelerate the implementation of innovations in Swedish healthcare. Its goal is to enhance the innovation process, significantly reducing the time to introduce new solutions in healthcare efficiently and cost-effectively.
Siish is unique in bringing together all seven university hospital regions with surrounding innovation offices and incubators, working collaboratively towards this goal.
It features a peer review process and sprint work, generating wide interest.
Target audiences include healthcare, business, academia, and politicians.
The project, initiated by the University Hospitals Network for Innovation, is funded by Vinnova through Swelife and runs from December 2022 to December 2025.

Healthcare is constantly evolving and in need of innovations to improve care. Siish is dedicated to this challenge, striving to develop work processes safely and securely, and to expedite the implementation of necessary innovations.
Who's involved?
Region Västerbotten
Umeå universitet holding
Region Örebro län
Örebro Innovationskontor
Region Stockholm
KI Innovations
Region Uppsala
Uppsala universitet innovation
Region Östergötland
LiU Innovation och samverkan
Innovation Skåne
Lunds universitet
Innovationsplattformen VGR
Sahlgrenska Science park