HealthTech Award

Organized by GREAT, Vitalis and Sahlgrenska Science Park celebrating healthtech innovations that make a difference for people’s lives.


To recognize and showcase new healthtech innovations by honouring a promising product or solution developed in the Nordics or Baltics. 

Who can get the award?

The award is open to innovative companies based in the Nordics providing a health tech product, service or solution that has a proven positive impact on healthcare, prevention, prediction, health and/or quality of life.

What the jury is looking for

  • Innovation - A product, service or solution with valuable outcomes for the individual, patient, clinician or healthcare organisation.
  • Involvement of users/patients in development
  • AI / deeptech technology
  • Scalability and market potential - The pathway to national and international growth, size of market.
  • Prediction - Predictions that give the tools and insights for preventive health care
  • Sustainability - Referring to Agenda 2030
  • Care outcomes
  • Social Impact - E.g.  jobs generated, impact on society and improved quality of life. 

What does the prize consist of?

  • A free 9 m2booth at Vitalis 2025.
  • 1-year membership in GREAT, with a dedicated contact from the Board, allowing a strategic dialogue concerning your business affairs, legal considerations, and IT matters.
  • Keynote presentation slot @ A GREAT DAY; an annual event with more than 300 participants.
  • Pitch slot @ A GREAT PITCH; which provides the opportunity to meet investors and other innovators in Gothenburg.
  • Opportunity to participate in internationalization-focused event hosted by the CO-AX accelerator at Sahlgrenska Science Park.



Jamie Smith, Sahlgrenska Science Park


Click here!

Maria Sterner, Manager Vitalis

”The award shines a light on healthtech innovations that can make a real difference in people’s lives.”